
How to setup a Split URL Experiment with Multiple Original Pages?

As the control of an experiment can include multiple pages, this will explain how to configure a Split URL Experiment with that requirement.


When running website experiments, it's common to test variations against the original experience across multiple pages. This allows you to understand how design, content, or feature changes impact user behavior, conversion rates, engagement, and revenue. Split URL testing tools enable pitting two or more site variations against the original version simultaneously.

Create the Experiment

To start configuring your Split URL Experiment enter any of the URLs, that you are going to include as the Control. Do not worry about the rest until later.

For the Variations enter the following:

Original URL Pattern

Use a regular expression matching the original pages to include, such as:


This regex will match all the URLs matched by the Location conditions, which are the ones that trigger the test. This allows you to have different URLs as original variant.

Variation URLs

For each variation, provide the corresponding URL or identifier. Modify the Original URL pattern to include any required variation parameters or identifiers.

Forwarding to Plain URLs or Adding Query Parameters

There are several options to attain what you want to achieve on your Split URL Experiment.

Option 1: Forward to Plain URLs

If you want to only forward the traffic to specific URLs, just add the URLs as the Variation Patterns. One for each variant.

You would use a plain URL:

Or one with a query parameter or more.

Option 2: Add Query Parameter to Variations

Now, let say that you want to append a query parameter to your original URL or URLS. Lets say that the query parameter is:


Add a variation pattern like the following:


All your Original URLs

Go to the experiment Location and enter one rule condition for each URL that you want to use as Control. Like this:

Page URL Matches Exactly

Page URL Matches Exactly

Page URL Matches Exactly

 Preventing loops when the Original URL is the equal to the variation URL

You will need to exclude your variation URL from the Location conditions, so it does not fire the test again when they land on that page.

You can create an exclusion Location and AND'it with the existing one that will match the Original URL. Your condition can look like this:

Page URL w Query Does not Contain preview_theme_id

When you have a similar URL as Original and Variation, you cannot use a Live Preview URL to verify it is working, as that will make it go the experiment in a loop, as the Audience condition will not be evaluated. You will have to turn on the experiment and use a Force Variation Link to trigger the variation.

Monitor and Analyze

After you launch the experiment live, monitor it. Mainly monitor the difference between the original and variation visitors. If they are not near even, then the setup needs to be revised. Up to a 10% difference can be acceptable. Contact a customer support agent, so they can help you on the setup.