Integrate Convert Experiences with Umbraco CMS


This integration will allow you to use Convert Experiments A/B Testing on your Umbraco powered website.

Create a new experiment

In Experiences screen select "New Experience"

Copy the Convert Experiments Script

Go to your Project Configuration and find the Convert tracking code:

Go to Your Umbraco account

Once you have logged into Umbraco (go to Settings > Scripts).

Add the script into the Master template

Then create a master page/template with all your HTML markup in it - and in the head section just add the usual <script calls to include your js files, which in umbraco start from /scripts/, so if you created a script called 'myscript', then the path would be /scripts/Convert.js - assuming you're not using virtual paths.

Test the Integration

Now, go to the live site and check to see if your experiments are running. The changes you made to the variations or original should appear.