
How to Integrate with Medallia Digital Experience Analytics

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Convert Experiments - Medallia Digital Experience Analytics Integration

Integrating Medallia Digital Experience Analytics with Convert Experiences allows you to analyze behavior derived from the variations in your A/B test experiments. 

You will have to install an additional script to your website, along with the Convert Experiments and Medalia tracking codes.

In order for this to work for all current and future campaigns, this will only need to be done once on the pages that you want to track.

Ensure you have installed the Convert Experiences tracking code and it is working properly

Install the Medalia tracking code on your site

Make sure the Medalia tracking code comes before the Convert Experiences Tracking code on your page(s).

Enable "Generic AB Testing" in Medalia

Install the integration code

Add the following code to the Global Project JavaScript section found on your Convert Project Configuration page:

var refObject = window['convert']['data']['experiments']
for (var key in window["convert"]["currentData"]["experiments"]) {
if (!window["convert"]["currentData"]["experiments"].hasOwnProperty(key)) {

var currentExperiment = window["convert"]["currentData"]["experiments"][key];
var curExperimentName = refObject[key] && refObject[key].n ? refObject[key].n : "unknown experiment name";
curExperimentName = curExperimentName.replace("Test #", "Test ");
var curVariantName = currentExperiment['variation_name'] ? currentExperiment['variation_name'] : "unknown variant";
var curVariantId = currentExperiment['variation_name'] ? currentExperiment['variation_id'] : "unknown variant";
var curExpNameandVarName = curExperimentName + ' ' + curVariantId;

if (window.decibelInsight) {
decibelInsight('ready', function () {
decibelInsight('sendIntegrationData', 'ConvertIntegration', {id: curVariantId, name: curExpNameandVarName});

Turn Off Data Anonymization

In order for the script to access human readable experiment data, you’ll need to turn off Data Anonymization in your Project Configuration.

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Make sure Data Anonymization is un-checked.

After the Installation

Upon collecting Generic A/B Testing Variations, you can begin to use these by creating Segments based on them:
