Mobile Debugging

Debugging Experiments on Mobile Devices


It is possible to debug with Chrome on a mobile device. Sometimes, we need to debug an experience on a mobile device in order to discover why an experiment is not being triggered or to debug a goal that we have created.

Debugging on Android Devices

Prior to debugging on Chrome for Android, you will need to read the following Chrome remote debugging documentation:

You will need to be able to connect to the phone and open a webpage on the device through the computer (therefore you have access to Console in Dev Tools).

In order to get the same output in the Console (when "Inspecting" the page on mobile) as the one presented when the Convert Debugger extension is ON in a Desktop install, some steps have to be taken:

  1. Create a cookie -- _conv_debug = 1 -- on the mobile browser for the domain That can be done most easily by using the Console while opening and pasting following JS code in there:

    document.cookie = '_conv_debug' + '=1; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-25 00:00:01 GMT;; Samesite=None; Secure';

  2. Open the needed page on the mobile browser: at this time the console should show the needed debugging output

Debugging on other mobile browsers

Setting the _conv_debug cookie should make it possible to debug in browsers other than Chrome (the Convert Debugger extension is available only on Chrome).