
Integrating BigCommerce

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This integration helps you run Convert experiences in your BigCommerce store.

This article assumes that you already have your store on BigCommerce and want to create and run A/B test tests for the store using Convert. You can also track or push revenue data to your BigCommerce account.

Set up an New Experience in Convert 

Create a new experience using your store URL and start creating variations of elements you want to test.

Install the Convert Tracking Code

Copy the Convert tracking code of the project where your experience belongs:

After that, you will go to BigCommerce Storefront > Script Manager and paste the Convert code.

On the Create Script page, do the following:

    • In the "Name of Script" field, enter CONVERT.
    • For the "Location on Page" setting choose Head 
    • For the "Select pages where script will be added" setting choose All Pages.

You can also add/populate the variable _conv_page_type with the type of the page in your BigCommerce store if you want to target visitors based on the specific page type:

Add Manual Revenue Tracking

To add revenue goal code in BigCommerce, perform these steps.

From the left panel, go to Advanced Settings > Data Solutions

Choose the Affiliate Conversion Tracking data solution and click Connect. In the Conversion Tracking Code field, enter your manual revenue tracking code.

Scripts added to Affiliate Conversion Tracking only affect the order confirmation page. If you need a script to work on other store pages, add it to the Script Manager, or to one of the other Web Analytics tools in Data Solutions.

You can use these BigCommerce conversion tracking variables to map your data.

Test The Installation

To test that the experiment is working, go to your store experiment in Convert Experiments and preview one of the variations or see the statistics coming in.