
Legacy Clicky Integration (for reference only)



This article has been superseded by this linked article. This is only here for reference example on how to send data to a third party application. Do not use to integrate with Clicky. The linked article is an easier way to integrate Clicky.


Integrating Clicky with Convert Experiments allows you to view reports of your Convert experiments in the Clicky Analytics Dashboard. 

For each experiment, the integration will pass along the experiment name and variation name that the Visitor is currently bucketed into (if any) using Clicky Split Tests. You will have to install an additional script to your website, along with the Convert Experiments and Clicky tracking codes. This will only need to be done once, on the pages where you want to track, in order for this to work for all current and future experiments.

If you do not want to add this additional integration code, there is also an article that describes the internal integration with clicky_custom properties.

Add Tracking Code Snippets

Make sure the Convert tracking code and the Clicky tracking code are installed on your page. Convert Tracking Code can be found on Project Settings:

Clicky Tracking Code can be found under Dashboard > Tracking Code:

Add the Integration Code

Copy this code, and paste it after the Convert Experiments script tags in the <head> of your page and before the Clicky script tags. The order is important to make this work.

<script>/** .. Convert Experiments Code .. **/</script>

<!-- Convert/Clicky Integration Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var clicky_custom = clicky_custom || {};
var exp = convert.currentData.experiments;
for(var expID in exp) {
var expName =[expID].n;
var varName = exp[expID].variation_name;
clicky_custom.split = {
name: expName,
version: varName
} catch(err) {
console.err("Convert Experiments / Clicky", err);
<script>/** .. Clicky Code .. **/</script>

If you do not want to use Split Tests, you can instead use clicky_custom.visitor.

Turn Off Data Anonymization

In order for the script to access human readable experiment data, you will need to turn off Data Anonymization in your Project Settings.

Verify Installation

The easiest way to verify that your integration code is correctly installed is to:

  1. Go to the page you are running these tests on.
  2. Go to Clicky > Goals > Split Tests to see if the experiment/variation you visited shows up.
  3. Go to Clicky > Custom if you used the clicky_custom.visitor in the integration code above:

 (Note: It may take up to 10 minutes for the experiment to show up. If you don’t see it at first, give it a little time.)