Creating Experiences

Creating a Multivariate Experiment


Understand Multivariate Experiments

Unlike A/B tests, multivariate experiments involve testing more than one element on a page in different combinations. This example will show how to test two different elements, meaning we will have four different variations in total, as demonstrated below:

First, from the Experiences tab in your Convert account, select "New Experience":


Now we can name our experiment. Let's type "My New MVT" for now, select the Multivariate option, and click Create Experience:

Overview: Sections vs. Variations

There are sections and variations in a Multivariate Experiment (see below). Sections are the locations on your page where you want to test one or multiple variations (some call these boxes or zones).


Sections for example can be:

  • Logo
  • Headline
  • First Paragraph
  • Opt-in form
Then there are variations (in these sections) and they are structured like this:
  • Section: Logo
    • Original logo
    • Variation 1) logo left
    • Variation 2) logo right
  • Section: Headline
    • Original headline
    • Variation 1) headline "Search Now My Friend"
    • Variation 2) headline "Give Search A Go"
  • Section: First Paragraph
    • Original first paragraph
    • Variation 1) first paragraph "red"
    • Variation 2) first paragraph "blue"
  • Section: Opt-in form
    • Original opt-in form
    • Variation 1) opt-in form with extra field lastname
    • Variation 2) opt-in form with checkbox "whitepaper"
    • Variation 3) opt-in form floating left
    • Variation 4) opt-in form "woman face"

How the above structure will look in Convert Experiments is visible below.

Step 1: Make the variation

The URL of the page you wanted to use will be loaded and it can take some seconds. Then the first variation is ready to be edited. You can click on any orange highlighted area to change content. You can add new variations with the green plus sign to the right of the variation names.

For example below you:

  • Click an element you like to change (elements are highlighted with orange borders)
  • Select an action in the menu, like changing an image source


The new source will then be uploaded and changed in the new variation.

Step 2: Name the variation

Name the variation so that you remember it later on. All the reports will have this variation name.

  • Select Variation Name
  • Select the edit icon next to the name
  • Rename the variation

Step 3: Define the Goals and Audiences

Please go to the Experiment Summary, there you can edit the Audience and Experiment Goals.