Experiment Management

How Do I Archive / Delete an Experience?


Understand Archive an Experience

Convert highly recommend archiving instead of deleting an experience. Archived experiences can be reactivated or even cloned to be used in a new experiment. You can filter out all archived experiences on your experiences overview so that the view is not cluttered. Below you can find the process to do this:

  1. Select the experience you want to archive. If it is active first pause the experience (see screenshot below)
  2. Now archive the experiment by using the three-dot sign.
  3. Now your experience is archived and cannot be active anymore (but you can still clone it).
  4. Filter all archived experiences from your experiences overview. You will find this filter on the top-left of the Experiences screen.

Understand Delete an Experience

If you still want to Delete instead of Archive an experience, follow the same steps mentioned above, but use the option "Delete" the experience: 

Important: Deleted experiences cannot be restored or cloned like the Archived experiences.