Conversion Tracking

Why is Click on a Button or Link Goal not Working Correctly?

Troubleshooting Click Tracking Issues: Fix Missing or Incorrect Conversions in Convert Goals


Goal Problems

There can be three scenarios for click on a link goal that is not working correctly.

  1. It doesn’t work at all and records zero/no conversions.
  2. It records less than expected conversions.
  3. It tracks more than expected

Does not work at all 

  • Please check that you have Convert code on the page on which the link is present and test is running on that page.
  • Please check that the goal URL or the jQuery selector is correct and in case it is a URL, it is exactly equal to the href attribute of the anchor tag
  • Check that the area you are interested in tracking is tracking on the part of the site you wanted to (for example Sidewide).

Less than expected clicks are recorded

  • In click on a link goals there is a common problem, as soon as someone clicks on a link, the page gets redirected even before the conversion request can be completed, this happens in some browsers and causes the link/form/click tracking to be accurate up to 85%. In such cases the only solution would be to use a URL or Javascript goal.
  • In Convert, all goals are unique goals and the same monthly tested user(MTU) can not trigger the same goal again and again. In case you wish to execute dummy conversions on your side, do not forget to clear your cookies each time.

Why is My Click Goal Tracking More Links Than Expected?

Convert’s click-based goal tracking uses a substring match approach. This means that if you set a goal to track a specific link, such as:


It will also track any other URLs that contain this string, including:


This happens because the tracking script generates a selector like this:


Since the *= attribute selector looks for any link containing the specified URL as a substring, it will match similar URLs that start with the same pattern.

📌 Solution: If you need to track an exact URL, a custom JavaScript solution may be required.