SPA Testing

Running Experiments on Single Page Apps


SPA testing options



If you use the latest version of the Convert script, none of what is described in this article is relevant, as it has built in and optimized features for SPAs.


Experiments on Single Page Applications SPAs usually need to be handled differently than other experiments.  Because the Convert script usually cannot read the URL that a website visitor is navigating, it cannot trigger experiments with standard methods.

Firstly you need to install the Convert tracking code as described in this article

However, Convert provides other methods for triggering experiments within single-page frameworks:

1) Triggering Polling

Polling is the process by which the experience conditions are tested to determine if said experience should be triggered. This includes monitoring the visitor URL, audience conditions or JavaScript conditions to run the test. Polling is usually triggered by Convert when a new page is loaded. On SPAs, usually, no new pages are loaded on the web app. In that case, you would need the following code to start the polling (do not use this code yet.):

window._conv_q = _conv_q || [];

You should determine what the best event on your SPA would be to trigger the above code.

However, this is a generalized code snippet that would trigger the Convert polling on any framework without a specific integration. Add the following code to the Project Configuration > Global Javascript section.

console.log('SPA/Convert Code in Global Project Javascript executed');
if (!window.globalExecutedTs) {
// create a proxy to the pushState function
const pushStateProxy = new Proxy(window.history.pushState, {
apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
// execute your code here
console.log('History updated: ' + argumentsList[2]);
console.log('Convert activated from pushstate');

setTimeout(() => { //
console.log('Current URL to be read by Convert:'+location.href);
_conv_q = window._conv_q || [];
_conv_q.push(["run", "true"]);
}, "100");

// call the original pushState function to update the history
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList);

// override the pushState function with the proxy
window.history.pushState = pushStateProxy;


Here is another one that checks the actual URL value every 100ms. This is a configurable time. Use it if the previous one does not work:

console.log('SPA/Convert Code in Global Project Javascript executed');

if (!window.globalExecutedTs) {
function checkURLchange(){
if((window.location.href + window.location.hash) != oldURL){
oldURL = (window.location.href + window.location.hash);
console.log('URL Changed and will fire Convert');
window._conv_q = _conv_q || [];
window._conv_q.push(["run", "true"]);
window.globalExecutedTs = true;
var oldURL = (window.location.href + window.location.hash);
setInterval(checkURLchange, 100);


2) Use JavaScript Conditions in the Locations

Because the Convert script cannot read URL changes in a SPA, you should use a JavaScript condition instead of a URL match condition to trigger an experiment. You can find a more thorough explanation of how to do this in the following article.

3) Manually Activate an Experiment

You can trigger experiments manually after you determine that a certain flow has happened. In this method, Locations and Audience conditions will still be tested after triggering the polling with code. Please read the following article about how this can be done.

With the above 3 methods, you should be able to trigger experiments at the right moment in an Angular app.

** Be aware that changes triggered by the experiment will not be reset as they would be with a normal web page. For example, if you change a page element after a menu element has been clicked, clicking on the home page menu element will not reset that change. You will have to undo the element with code. You may want to do this by (for example) adding code to the Custom JavaScript area within the Visual Editor. 

4) Goals checked through polling

The majority of goals are checked by Convert throughout the polling process. This polling process occurs when a page is initially loaded or called on item 1. However, with SPAs such as Angular, page loading does not occur when navigating through the application. For these types of scenarios, Convert has a specific function to call to activate the polling for monitoring goal conditions. The code for calling it is the following:

window._conv_q = window._conv_q || [];

Please don't hesitate to have a chat with us via any of the Support channels if you have any further questions about configuring these types of applications with Convert.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does Convert automatically re-check locations and goals in SPAs?

Yes. Convert re-evaluates all locations and goals when using history.pushState and history.replaceState, ensuring experiments and goals are correctly triggered as users navigate through a single-page app.

What if the URL changes but the page content remains the same?

Convert ignores history state changes if there is no actual change in page content. In other words, any URL change—including history state changes—should result in at least one visible content update. If no changes occur, it is not considered a new page view to process


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