
Run Convert Experiences on Cloudflare


Understand Cloudflare and Experiences

For websites that use Cloudflare with rocket loader enabled, experiments setup through Convert Experiences will work but will render with delay causing a poor experience for your visitors. This is caused by the fact that rocket loader will load Convert Experiences tracking script async as opposed to synchronized as it is loaded by default on non Cloudflare rocket loader sites. 

Cloudflare offers a way to disable rocket loader for certain scripts and it's explained in their support forums:

Mainly what needs to be done is a slight alteration of the Convert Experiments tracking script, adding **data-cfasync="false" ** to the main script tag. Tracking script looks like the following: 

<!-- begin Convert Experiences code--><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!-- end Convert Experiments code -->

and after modification it will look something like this: 

<!-- begin Convert Experiences code--><script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!-- end Convert Experiments code -->

(please note that the above are not the tracking scripts to be used but just examples to see what needs to be added to the tracking script found in your project configuration)