
Finding Problems In Your Experiment Installation - A/A Testing

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Troubleshoot A/A Testing

A good way to understand if your site has the Convert tracking code installed properly, is to run an A/B experiment on ALL visitors for ALL pages, but without any real variation.

The idea is to see if your total traffic/visitors and your goals/conversions match between your Convert installation, and your analytics system.

When you include all pages in Locations and the "All Visitors" audience, the numbers between the systems should match up closely.

We found that discrepancy in numbers appear because of not tagging all pages, having an audience or location definition that excludes some visits/conversions.

So setting up a simple A/A experiment goes as follows:

  • Select an A/B experiment
  • As variation for example remove a space or dot in the footer where nobody sees it.
  • Continue to the summary
  • In Audience select all visitors (removing any targeting)
  • In Locations target your entire site by changing the target group: Page URL, Starts with http:/// 
  • Run the experiment

This should be including 100% of all the visitors and will allow you to see if there are visitors missing.