How Do I Preview Variations?


Preview Variations

When you want to preview any variation live there are several locations where you can get this link.

  • Visual Editor (except on Convert Split URL experiments)


  • Experience Report Summary


  • Experience Report


  • Experience Summary 

Clicking on any of those icons, a new browser window will open loading the page where the experiment was set up, having some extra query variables inside the URL that look like below:

?convert_action=convert_vpreview&convert_e=XXXXXX&convert_v=XXXXXX   (the XXXXXX part is particular to every experiment/variation so it always changes)

If you run a multi-page experiment and want to make sure the variations display correctly on pages other than the page where the experiment was set up (highly recommended) all you need to do is copy those query variables and append them to any other URL. This will trigger the specific variation to be rendered on that page, allowing the user to spot eventual variation errors in a very easy way. More details are available here.

Problems Previewing Variations

See this article for troubleshooting some common preview issues.