Visitor Management

Audience - Targeting Visitors, Users, Clients and People


Targeting Options

An audience is a group of users that have something in common. We have made 111 predefined groups that are targeting the top segments of our users. We allow you to take a template and switch to an advanced audience to customize that in any way.

The mix of template audiences and advanced audiences make the targeting of your audience easy and powerful.

We have four main groups:

  1. Traffic

  2. Social

  3. Language & Geo

  4. Behavior

Within these four main groups, you find one of the 111 audience templates. You can combine these to define the perfect target audience.

  1. Google Traffic

  2. Bing Traffic

  3. Yahoo Traffic

  4. Ask Traffic

  5. AOL Traffic

  6. Search Engine Traffic

  7. Google Adwords Traffic

  8. New Visitor

  9. Returning Visitors

  10. From Facebook

  11. From Twitter

  12. From LinkedIn

  13. From Pinterest

  14. From MySpace

  15. From Google+

  16. From URL shorteners

  17. From Africa

  18. From Europe

  19. From Asia

  20. From North America (yep that includes Canada and Mexico :-)

  21. From South America

  22. From Australia

  23. From Australia

  24. From Canada

  25. From Mexico

  26. From the UK

  27. From the USA

  28. From Alabama

  29. From Alaska

  30. From Arizona

  31. From Arkansas

  32. From California

  33. From Colorado

  34. From Connecticut

  35. From Delaware

  36. From Florida

  37. From Georgia

  38. From Hawaii

  39. From Idaho

  40. From Illinois

  41. From Indiana

  42. From Iowa

  43. From Kansas

  44. From Kentucky

  45. From Louisiana

  46. From Maine

  47. From Maryland

  48. From Massachusetts

  49. From Michigan

  50. From Minnesota

  51. From Mississippi

  52. From Missouri

  53. From Montana

  54. From Nebraska

  55. From Nevada

  56. From New Hampshire

  57. From New Jersey

  58. From New Mexico

  59. From New York

  60. From North Carolina

  61. From North Dakota

  62. From Ohio

  63. From Oklahoma

  64. From Oregon

  65. From Pennsylvania

  66. From Rhode Island

  67. From South Carolina

  68. From South Dakota

  69. From Tennessee

  70. From Texas

  71. From Utah

  72. From Vermont

  73. From Virginia

  74. From Washington

  75. From West Virginia

  76. From Wisconsin

  77. From Wyoming

  78. From Eastern Time Zone

  79. From Central Time Zone

  80. From Mountain Time Zone

  81. From Pacific Time Zone

  82. From Tax-Free (US) States

  83. Prefers English

  84. Prefers Chinese

  85. Prefers Spanish

  86. Prefers Russian

  87. Prefers Arabic

  88. Prefers Portuguese

  89. Prefers French

  90. Visited 5 Pages

  91. Visited 10 Pages

  92. Visited 50 Pages

  93. Visited Site Several Times This Week

  94. Visiting On A Weekday

  95. Visiting In Weekend

  96. Visiting During Morning

  97. Visiting During Day

  98. Visiting During Evening

  99. Device is Mobile

  100. The device is Game Console

  101. Browser Is Chrome

  102. Browser Is Firefox

  103. Browser Is IE

  104. Browser Is Safari

  105. Using Windows

  106. Using a Mac

  107. Using Linux

  108. Using Android

  109. Using iOS

  110. Device Supports FlashS

  111. Device Supports Java