Integrate Convert Experiences with Baidu Analytics

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Convert-Baidu Analytics Integration

Integration of Baidu Tongji (or Baidu Analytics) with Convert Experiences will help you to import Convert data into your Baidu Analytics account. 

For each experiment, the integration uses a unique Custom Dimension to pass along the experiment name and variation name that the visitor is currently bucketed into (if any).


Important Important

This integration is still in beta status. Use with caution the steps described below.

Create a Custom Dimension in Baidu Analytics

Sign in to your Baidu Analytics account and create a Custom Dimension as your optimization tracking variable. Keep the index value as you will need it when you will activate the integration through the Convert settings.

Add Tracking Code Snippets

Make sure the Convert tracking code and the Baidu Analytics (Standard/Legacy or Asynchronous Javascript) code are installed on your page. 

Activate Integration in Convert

Go to your Convert experience settings and under Integrations select the Baidu Analytics. Assign the Conversion Dimension slot number to match the slot number created in Baidu. Then click Save and Continue:

View Convert Data in Baidu Analytics

Using a Custom Report in Baidu Analytics, you will be able to view all of your Convert Experiences data as they associate to the values that you pass in the Custom Dimension.

When you log in to your Baidu Analytics account, you should create a Custom Report that includes this Custom Dimension that you have defined in the previous section.