
Adding tags to your Experiences


What are tags?

Tags are keywords that you can use to group or classify your experiments and organize them.

If you create many experiments in Convert, tags can help you classify and find them when you need to.

How to add a tag?

To add a tag to an experience, just go to your Experiment's "Experience Summary" and click on the Experience ID to edit it. Then you will see this:

Type a tag name and hit Enter. Or, click the drop-down and select an existing tag.

Search for experiences with a particular tag

In your Project, click on Experiences on the left-hand side menu, which will take you to the Experiences screen.  Once there, click on the search box on the top left.

In the search box, type # and then the keyword you are searching for. If you are looking for experiences with the tag "cro", then enter #cro. You should then see a list of experiences which contain that tag.

To clear the search, click the "X" in the search box.