Disable Testing

Disable AB testing


Disable Single Experiment

If for some reason you would like to disable AB testing when you request a page of your website, you can do so by adding the following parameter:


You would replace the experiment_id with your experiment id. 

For example, http://www.convert.com/page1.html?_conv_eignore=XXXXXXXX

This would disable any variations showing and collecting any experiment data.

Disable Multiple Experiments

If you would like to disable variations from multiple experiments, you can separate the experiment ids with a comma; for example:


Disable All Tracking

You can disable all Convert tracking by including ?convert_optout=1 on the end of the URL.

For example:

http://www.domain.com?convert_optout=1 - opt out query string
http://www.domain.com?convert_canceloptout=1 - opt in again


Use with caution.  If you use the opt-out method, a cookie is set in your browser and you will have to cancel the opt-out if you want to see experiments running on the specified URL domain again!

Methods of cancelling could be clearing your browser's cookies, running ?convert_canceloptout=1 on the end of the same URL you used it on, or specifically deleting the cookie named convert_optout from your browser for the domain it has been saved on. 

More information can be found here: https://www.convert.com/opt-out/


Find Experiment ID

If you would like to know where to find the experiment id of your experiment, please refer to the following article: Where Do I Find my Experiment and Variation IDs.

keywords: override avoid skip block disable ignore