What are Locations?


What are Locations?

The Locations are the place within the app where you configure the criteria that would trigger your experience.

The most basic configuration triggers the experiment based on a URL, for example: "http://www.convert.com".

This setting is configured automatically when you first create your experiment. And is set to the URL which you input to create your AB Experiment / MVT Experiment / Deployment or the Original URL on a Split URL Experiment. 

There are several options that the Locations provide for triggering your experience.

Trigger by URL

You can trigger experiments based on the URL of your page. You can also add many pages by adding them with the "+" sign..

For a page URL like the following:


You would be setting a comparison criteria based only on the first portion of the URL:


Trigger by URL and Query Parameters

You can trigger an experiment based on the URL and its Query Parameters.

For a URL like the following:


You would be setting a comparison criteria based on the whole URL


Trigger by Query Parameters

You can trigger an experiment based on the URL and its Query Parameters.

For a URL like the following:


You would set a comparison criteria based on the whole URL


Trigger by Page Tags

You can trigger an experiment based on the Page Tags that you setup implementing an Advanced Tracking code.

Page tags are variables that are mapped from your e-commerce system or other to Convert via javascipt variables using Convert advanced tracking code.

You can find more information regarding page tags in this article.

Trigger by JS Condition

If any of the options above did not fit how you want to trigger the experiment you can also use a Javascript Condition. 

A Javascript Condition is a piece of code that when is run and returns true, then the experiment would trigger. 

You can find how to use a JS condition to trigger your test in this article.

Trigger Programmatically

You can also trigger a test programmatically. This should not be done from the Site Area. It should be triggered by code, and can be done in any page where the Convert tracking code is installed on. 

For more information about this, please read this article.


keyword: dynamic url