
Verifying your Shopify setup


Verify Convert tracking code installation in main pages

To verify, first install the Chrome Experiences debugger on your browser.

Then navigate to your Shopify's homepage or any product page, and verify if there is output on the developer's console as described in the following article: "Check if Convert Experiences is installed correctly".

If there is output, Congratulations as it is now installed correctly on the main pages of your site.

f there is no output, verify that you performed Step 1 and Step 2 of the Shopify setup instructions. Also, verify that your console output settings are on "Verbose" mode.

Verify Convert tracking code installation in checkout pages, before purchase confirmation

Install the Chrome Experiences debugger on your browser.

Then navigate to your Shopify's checkout pages, and verify if there is output on the developer's console as described in the following article: "Check if Convert Experiences is installed correctly".

If there is output, Congratulations as it is now installed correctly on the checkout pages of your site.

If there is no output, verify that you performed Step 3 correctly and that the browser console level is on "Verbose" mode. Also, verify that you have installed the tracking code in the proper checkout template. This tends to vary in Shopify releases or templates. 

Verify revenue setup

Once you get revenue setup correctly (whether you used the GA ecommerce code or Convert manual revenue code or the Webhook method), after a few transactions you will start seeing revenue in your report.

Verify cookie data is transferred to check out domain

If your checkout is in another domain other than your main domain, and your experiment is recording visits but no goals related to your checkout pages, such as purchases, then you need to verify if the cookies are being sent across.

First, open a fresh incognito session and navigate to the home page of your site. 

The following video will show you how to check what is the visitor id, to compare it from the main domain to the one in the cookie domain. If they are equal, the cookie data has been transferred.

If the visitor id on the main pages and the checkout domain is different, then you need to verify Step 6 of the Shopify setup instructions: